Stop the Drama the Africa

About STDA
Stop the Drama in Africa (STDA) is an Newfoundland based charity. STDA is Co-Founded by Donald Slaney and Jenna Kelly. This charity will ensure that your money is going to a great cause, helping needy children in Africa with getting a good education. This charity will raise funds for many school supplies and paper to send over to the children in Africa. Throughout this year , we will have many fundraisers , including ticket draws, 50/50 draw , etc.

Mission Statement
STDA is geared towards giving children an equal chance for an education over in Africa.

Board of Directors 
President/Public Relations: Donald Slaney
Top (L-R) Mark Browne, Jordan Barry and Donald Slaney.
Bottom (L-R) Joyce Kelly, Jenna Kelly and Denise Slaney.
Missing for Photo: Tracey Slaney, Patricia Clarke, Jessica Slaney.
V. President: Mark Browne
Treasurer: Denise Slaney
Secretary: Jenna Kelly
Trustee: Patricia Clarke
Trustee: Joyce Kelly
Trustee: Tracey Slaney
Trustee: Jessica Slaney
Trustee: Jordan Barry

For more information about Stop the Drama in Africa, check out .